David Shrigley x Synergy Concerts ‘Trapped Inside A Bubble' T-Shirt
The impact of Coronavirus on the live music industry has been immediate and severe. Faced with the stark reality of our entire revenue being halted almost overnight we have been forced to think outside the box on ways to support the many stakeholders dependant on our success. From self-employed staff to small suppliers across a breadth of professions such as graphic designers, printers and postering teams, to independent media outlets, production companies and touring agents, so many are facing real and immediate hardship.
We are immensely grateful to David Shrigley for responding so quickly and with such generosity on this collaboration. Thanks to his gifting of what is a timely design, people now have the unique opportunity to own a piece of his work; a real art collectable, and know that they will be helping many in genuine need.
We also recognise foodbanks across the country are now facing further increased pressure and in response to this The Trussell Trust will receive 10% of all profit generated from sales of the merchandise.
Thank you for your support!
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